We are all Sinners! “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin is pervasive and deadly. The early church father Chrysostom stated, “I fear nothing but sin,” He correctly identified sin as the most harmful to man. Sin negatively effects the relationships with other people, with themselves, and, most significantly, with God. When sin entered the world as the result of the fall of man it caused all the suffering, disease, and death in the world but more inprotantly caused spiritual death, that is the eternal separation from God after physical death. By carefully defining sin we can understand and avoid it. 1 John 3:4 sums up the essence of sin; “Sin is lawlessness.” Anytime we fail to obey God’s law we are sinning. We are rejecting God’s standards, living as if God did not exist. The apostle John adds to his definition of sin in 1 John 5:17, describing sin as “unrighteousness.” In James 4:17 James defines sin as failing to do what is good. Paul defines it as lack of faith in Romans 14:23. Timothy tells us in 1 Timoth 6:17 that sin is the ultimate act of ingratitude toward the God “who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy”. Sin permiates the sinner. Paul refers to it as that “defilement of flesh and spirit” in 2 Corrithians 7:1. Sinners are in desperate need of cleansing of sin. Nothing you can do can cleans you of sin. It is as futile as attempting to change the color of your skin as described in Jeremiah 13:23. Only through the death of Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice for sin, is forgiveness and cleansing available, Hebrews 10:12 and 1 John 1:7. God hates sin as told by the profit, Jeremiah 44:4. As believers we must hate sin also as instructed by the psalmist in Psalms 97:1 and the profit in Amos 5:15. Thomas Watson a Puritan noted that a "prerequisite for sanctification is such hatred for sin". We grow in your relationship with the Lord by hating sin.