so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
to please Him in all respect,
bearing fruit in every good work
and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Colossians 1:10 NASB
Comments and Quotes
The Worthy Walk is one that leads us to improved relationship with God.
1) We learn through our fellow believers.
2) We stay close contact with God through prayer and study of His Word.
3) We heed God's warnings and obey His commands.
4) We grow in likeness to Jesus.
"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:6
“Only one thing matters from the moment you become a Christian until the day you see Jesus – that you walk worthy of Him. What you own, what you know, and what you do for a living are not all that important.” Dr. John MacArthur
On our Worthy Walk we should be willing to be interrupted. Jesus was never in such a hurry or to busy to stop and help the needy. "We are stewards of all that God gives us, including our time. Consider availability a resource to be used when reaching out in love as Jesus did." Dr. Charles Stanley
We will face adversity along our Worthy Walk. Jesus is our best role model as how to deal with hardships, sorrows and grief. BH
Difficulties will arise during our Worthy Walk. Even though we are in the center of God's will it doesn't exempt us from the situation. Remember our Worthy Walk is about God training, equipping and honing us for his purpose. "Instead of us keeping our heads bent low against struggles of life, let's look up to the Lord and seek His purpose in our challenges." Dr. Charles Stanley
“Though you may have read your Bible, prayed, gone to church all your life, or even founded churches, if you aren’t walking in humility, you aren’t walking a worthy walk. The worthy walk begins with “all humility.”” Dr. John MacArthur
Humility starts when we remove self-love so as to expose ourselves as unworthy sinners. We compare ourselves not to others but to Christ, always reminding ourselves not to boast or take pride of the humility we may have – seeing our need to confess our sins daily to God. BH
“Nothing is more difficult to counterfeit than virtue.” John Calvin
My Worthy Walk is without pride. I must have humility in every relationship, every attitude and every act in order to overcome pride. BH
If our Worthy Walk is about selfish ambitions in spiritual things then it shows you are ignorant of the real path to God’s glory. BH
“Faith is believing in God, Trust is believing God.” Dr. R.C. Sproul
“God gives strength for only one day at a time. He doesn’t give you grace for tomorrow until tomorrow.” Dr. John MacArthor
In the Worthy Walk we do not use the power play in our personal dealings, which is incompatible with scriptural humility. The truly humble don’t need power plays to achieve greatness. They already have it in Christ. BH
“If you are not accountable then you don’t count: life don’t count.” Dr. R.C. Sproul
In our Worthy Walk we are to strengthen our intimate, loving relationship with God. BH
Prayer and study of the Word is a priority while walking the Worthey Walk. We do so to keep God at the center, to prevent discouragement, loss of confidence, and doubt of purpose. BH
“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.” Oswald Chambers
There will be those who will want to divert our focus from Jesus. We thwart the adversities by spending time in the Word and prayer. BH
“The Lord makes a promise, Faith believes it, Hope anticipates it, and Patience waits for it.” Dr. Charles Stanley
“It is the opinions of our own which make us stupid, when we are simple we are never stupid, we discern all the time.” Oswald Chambers
“Pride leads to every other vise. It is the complete anti-God state of mind." C.S. Lewis